• 25.05.16 - 25.05.17


ABOUT POINT OF VIEW “Point of View” represents a site specific collective exhibition bringing together ten contemporary national and international artists.

The project seeks to duly commemorate the bicentenary of Ferdinand II, the “king-artist” and founder of the Park of Pena. Within this framework, this also seeks to enrichen the visitor experience through a renewed approach to the relationship between Man and Nature leading the former to “lose themselves” in the Park, its various different perspectives and “points of view”. The exhibition title, “Point of View”, stems precisely from the French expression Point de Vue, as used in landscape architecture to encapsulate the concept of perspective.

The exhibition implies the creation of a series of purpose designed installations, strategically located across different points of the Park of Pena, that above all incorporate the natural materials that the same Park has to offer. They shall remain on exhibition throughout an entire year and not subject to any maintenance work over this period given that the natural maturing of each work of art reflects another dimension to the exhibition concept.

This exhibition has artistic direction of Paulo Arraiano and project direction of Sofia Barros.
